Ken Mehlman spoke with LinkedIn editor Devin Banerjee concerning the fight for equality, the value of lateral thinking, and why this year’s Pride Month was particularly significant. The conversation was published as part of the LinkedIn News series #OutOnLinkedIn in the bi-weekly series Human Capital.

Speaking on the significance of Pride Month in 2021, Mehlman states:

This year’s Pride Month is particularly notable because of the fact that it coincided with the establishment of a Juneteenth federal holiday. It seems to me that in both cases, we are celebrating the same underlying values: freedom, equality, opportunity, unity.

If we learned anything over the course of the last year, when many of us were shuttered in our homes, it ought to be to recognize how critical these values are.

You can read the full interview here:

‘That’s real progress’: KKR’s Ken Mehlman on the fight for equality, the value of thinking laterally, and why this month was particularly significant